1. Why do I sometimes get VM errors like Could not get a chrome_1440_900 machine
The machines we have available depend on how many customers are requesting or using specific machines at certain times, and it’s currently impossible for us to predict these trends accurately from day to day. So if you think about it that way, distributing machines is kind of like playing Tetris — sometimes we have all the pieces necessary for things to advance smoothly, but sometimes we don’t get the piece (or machine) we need at that specific moment. This means machine distribution will always be a challenge, but we hope to improve the situation to the best of our ability. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes.
2. How many Rainforest profiles can I actively work from?
You are only allowed to worked from one Rainforest profile. If you are working from two profiles at once for any reason (e.g. to make more money), you are breaking the rules and are at risk of being blocked.
3. Why have I been blocked? How long am I blocked for?
We block testers for failing to follow instructions during jobs or violating our policies in this Wiki or the rule guide (seen during tests). Blocks are permanent for everyone and mean you cannot do tasks with Rainforest in the future on the blocked account or any other account you create. You can read our Blocking Policy for more information.
4. How many rejections can I receive before I'm blocked?
A tester will be blocked after receiving 10 training job rejections in a row. Rejections aren't the only thing that can result in a block, however. You can read our Blocking Policy for more information.
5. How do I start testing for Rainforest?
As of July 2016, we've stopped accepting new testers until the need comes up again in the future. We hope this will allow us to focus on providing better quality results to our customers, along with a better quality testing environment for all of you.
6. I don’t see jobs on CrowdFlower.
We are no longer affiliated with CrowdFlower as of early 2018. If you are a tester who has previously been paid for Rainforest tasks via CrowdFlower, you must update to a valid payment option (i.e. PayPal, Skrill) in order to receive jobs from Rainforest QA. Please see our PayPal & Skrill FAQs for more information:
7. I haven’t received a job in X months.
Your account could be inactive, or jobs might not be available when you're online due to your timezone or the number of testers available at that time. Please file a support ticket through your portal profile Help Desk tab if you are concerned about an issue with your account.
8. I receive less jobs than I used to. Can you fix this?
The amount of jobs available to our testers depends on the amount of jobs our customers release, and your performance as based on the tester score. Keep up with tester rules and education provided, incorporate feedback from job reviews and work on your score to ensure you get jobs.
9. Why am I getting training jobs if I’ve been a tester for a long time?
If we create new training jobs, we release them to all testers, included testers who have been with us a while. This gives older testers a chance to refresh their memories, and gives us a chance to retrain testers on any updated testing rules we might have.
10. I can’t sign into the correct portal profile.
Each account on CrowdFlower is tied to one Rainforest Portal account. You may have the same email address tied to multiple accounts (this behavior has been fixed), so you’ll have to log in to one of the accounts and change the email address associated with it. If you’re not sure what your email address is on the account, you can see it while doing a job on the respective CrowdFlower account.
11. Can I change my payment channel or the ID used for payment?
Rainforest offers two payment methods -- PayPal and Skrill. You are free to switch between payment methods if both are available to you in your country. For specific information on each, please visit our FAQs linked below:
Note: If you already get paid for Rainforest QA tasks via Amazon MTurk, you are allowed to continue using MTurk. However, we do not offer MTurk as an option to testers not already getting paid via MTurk.
12. When will you create an extension for Firefox?
At this time we don't have plans for a Firefox version of the extension, as we already have a high volume of Chrome extension users who want more work from us.
13. Why am I getting paid less than what is shown under 'bonus paid' in my history?
The payment you are receiving is correct. Since this is an externally managed task, it does not automatically deduct the commission to the channel you are working from. So for instance, if you have earned $1.00 (100c) from a job and the channel you get paid to takes 30%, you will receive $0.70. Other tasks on CrowdFlower interface directly with their API, therefore the value you see there is automatically adjusted to the channel's commission.
14. What are the testing rules?
You can find our testing rules here!
15. Do you have any examples of test scenarios I might find myself in?
Yes, you can see visit this page to see various examples for reach rule:
- Rule 1 Supporting Examples
- Rule 2 Supporting Examples
- Rule 3 Supporting Examples
- Suggest Improvements Examples
16. How do I change my portal password?
There are two ways to change your password. You can change it by logging into your Portal and selecting to Edit Profile. There you’ll see the option to update your password. Make sure you click Save to update!
The second way is to select “Forgot your Password?”. You’ll be sent an email that includes a link to update your password.
17. How can I change my forum username?
You cannot change your username through the forum.
18. Am I able to work from another location or computer while on vacation?
Yes! We don’t mind if you work from another location or computer, even if you’re not on vacation. Just be sure that you’re only using your account, and that you log out when you’re done if the computer is not your own. And in general, If you are using a computer in a public space, make sure to never leave it unattended.
19. What if my question isn’t listed here?
If you’re an active tester with Rainforest you can search through our forum, chances are someone has had your question before! You’ll see a magnifying glass in the top right of the forum that will allow you to enter a phrase or keywords. It’s always best to search for a topic first before starting a new thread :)