Below you'll find important information about Rainforest QA's Blocking Policy. Please read and ensure you understand each bullet point carefully.
- If you receive 10 consecutive training job rejections (i.e. 10 in a row), you will be automatically blocked from using your Rainforest account.
- You may be blocked at any time at an admin's discretion, usually due to poor performance or behavior that goes against our Code of Conduct.
- If you lie or cheat during tests, you will be permanently blocked from doing Rainforest tasks.
- You will not be blocked for reporting a bug. If you are not confident the answer is "Yes," it is safer to report.
- You can be blocked by a Rainforest admin for being rude to a customer or admin.
- You are only allowed to work from one Rainforest profile. If you are working from two profiles at once for any reason (e.g. to make more money), you are breaking the rules and are at risk of being blocked.
- Once blocked, you are prohibited from doing work on any other account you may have or create.
Examples of bad behavior that will result in a block:
- Clicking "Yes" when the answer is clearly "No," or when you run into errors or are unable to complete the test.
- Clicking "Yes" for every step without performing the steps.
- Accepting a job with a working terminal and failing to start in a timely manner.