Below you'll find general payment information about Rainforest QA jobs. For specific questions related to using PayPal or Skrill as your payment method, please see our relative FAQs.
General Payment Info
- You will receive 4c for each complete step (see note below)
- To qualify for the daily 10% bonus, you have to have completed at least 10 jobs that were created by us within a 24-hour period starting at UTC 00:00
- To qualify for the daily 20% bonus, you have to have completed at least 100 jobs that were created by us within a 24-hour period starting at UTC 00:00
Unique Jobs
"A" testers now have the opportunity to receive "unique" jobs, and will receive 5c per step for these specific jobs. If you are starting one of these jobs, we will notify you at the beginning of the test so that you’re aware. "A" testers will still receive 4c per step for jobs that aren't "unique" jobs.
PayPal and Fees
- Rainforest funds withdrawn via PayPal are subject to fees. For non-U.S. accounts the fee is 2%. For U.S. accounts there is a flat fee of $0.25.
- Rainforest will waive your Paypal fee if your score level is 'A' during cashout. Note - the only score that matters for the decision whether to waive your Paypal fee or not is the score during cashout. Your score while performing the job/s doesn't influence the waiving decision.